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Od roku 1712

Glass made by generations

This place has always produced glass with heart.

Colorful Is the New Black

Our handmade glassware is blown into thick wooden molds and shaped using skills that have been passed down for generations. Leading glass artists of their time have always played an important part in our product development. And now, with the help of contemporary artists, the factory is taking the bold step of introducing a new range of colorful glassware that will decorate any table setting for even the most 
special occasions.


Petr Novosad

The Glass with Heart

This place has always produced glass with heart. That‘s why the glassworks has survived to this day, unlike many others.


František Novosad

The Glassmaker‘s Pipe

This beautiful region of the Krkonoše mountain range has always been inhabited by people who could hold a hot glassmaker‘s pipe despite the harsh climate and adversity.

Rediscover the heritage of famous Bohemian glass with new products from the Harrachov Glassworks.

History and tours

Visit Glassworks

Visit our glassworks and see the beauty of glassblowing with your own eyes.


Brand Story

Founded in the deep woods of Bohemia’s highest mountains in a remote area once called the New World, the Harrachov Glassworks began its remarkable journey back in 1712.More

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